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Rashid Echesa

Rashid Echesa taken to hospital

Former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa was on Saturday rushed to Karen Hospital in critical condition.

Echesa who was being detained at Muthaiga Police Station since Thursday was taken to hospital due to a reported deterioration in his pneumonia and high cholesterol levels.

According to his lawyers Danstan Omari and Cliff Ombeta, Echesa’s condition could have led to further health complications had it not addressed in time.

“My client’s health deteriorated hence his admission to the hospital,” Omari told the media.

Echesa had been held at Muthaiga police cells since Thursday night, pending arraignment on Tuesday over allegations of extortion and staged abduction.

Police said they will guard him at the hospital ahead of his arraignment.

Echesa through his lawyers had asked the police to release him from custody to allow him seek medical attention.

His lawyers are also want him to be granted cash bail to “continue with his journey towards full recovery.”

Echesa who is also the chairperson of the Kenya Water Towers Agency, was arrested and initially taken to Muthaiga Police Station.

According to Danstan Omari, his continued detention would have made his health deteriorate adding that any form of justice related to his arrest cannot possibly take precedence over his health.

Echesa was arrested over claims of extorting money from Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa.

Prior to his arrest, videos of him pleading for mercy after allegedly being abducted had gone viral.

In the videos, Echesa is heard asking his alleged abductors to tell governor Barasa to forgive him. He is also heard begging his alleged abductors not to kill him as his children would suffer.

However, a section of Kenyans have argued that the abduction seems to have been stage-managed as a part of ways to extort governor Fernandes Barasa.

Another video of Echesa conversing with an unknown man while handcuffed in a car boot also went viral.

This is not a first controversy to hit the former sports CS, who has previously been accused of photoshopping former Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala in what looks to have been the same extortion ring.

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Former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa will be treated “as an armed and dangerous criminal” should he fail to surrender to police, Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai has said.

This follows an incident in which Echesa assaulted an IEBC official at Bulonga polling station during the just concluded Matungu Parliamentary by-election.

Police launched a manhunt against Echesa, but the controversial politician has been in hiding until today.

Mutyambai on Friday, March 5 issued an ultimatum to Echesa to surrender to police before 1pm, which has passed without him surrendering.

“The IG has directed Hon. Rashid Echesa who is on the run after assaulting an election official to surrender to the nearest Police Station by 1.00 pm this afternoon otherwise he will be treated as an armed and dangerous criminal,” reads the statement.

Echesa slapped the IEBC officer accusing him of chasing one of their agents out of the polling station during voting.

“Sheria inasema kuwa poll agents must witness the voting!” he was heard shouting as he told off the IEBC agent.

In the not so audible video, the IEBC agent was heard defending himself saying that he was following instructions.

But before he could finish talking, Echesa slapped him.

“You were told by who? Umeambiwa by who? You cannot keep our agents outside. Why are you chasing them outside…. This is stupidity my friend…” Echesa says as he slaps the official.

Okura allegedly stopped one of United Democratic Alliance’s agents from entering the polling venue because he did not have a facemask.

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There was drama this morning at Bulonga polling station in Matungu Constituency, when former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa assaulted an IEBC official during the ongoing voting in by-election.

Echesa lost his temper while accusing the electoral agency official of barring the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) candidate Alex Wamukoya Lanya’s agents from witnessing the voting.

The official who was trying to explain himself did not finish his statement after meeting with a slap from Echesa.

In the video that has gone viral, Lanya is seen trying to calm down Echesa.

The contest in Matungu is a battle be between Deputy President William Ruto, ODM leader Raila Odinga and ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi. 

More than 61,000 voters in Matungu have gone to the poll to pick a new MP to replace Justus Makokha Murunga who died in November last year.

The 15 candidates in the race were on Wednesday putting final touches on their logistics for Thursday and deployment of agents.

The candidates are Peter Nabulindo of ANC, David Were of ODM, Alex Lanya (UDA) Charles Kasamani (UDP), Paul Achayo (MDG) and Faida Auma of Maendeleo Chap Chap.

The Independents are Bernard Wakoli, Athman Wangara, Murunga’s widow Christabel Amunga and son Eugene Ambwere, Wilberforce Lutta, Kevin Nectus, Anzelimo Kongoti and Gregory Atoko.

Murunga was sponsored by ANC, but soon after 2017, shifted his allegiance to DP Ruto.

Kanu, Wiper and Ford Kenya are backing the ANC candidate.

Raila will be using the by-election to test whether his influence in the region he has commanded for close to two decades is still intact. 

DP Ruto will be using the poll to gauge the impact of his spirited campaigns in the populous county.

Both ANC and ODM teams have claimed that there are plans to rig the poll by each side.

Mudavadi and Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya who is leading the ODM campaigns have expressed confidence that their candidates will emerge victors.

Security was beefed up in the constituency starting Monday ahead of the vote. Matungu has 116 polling stations spread out in 57 polling centres.

Western regional police commander Peris Kimani said security arrangements were complete to ensure peaceful voting. Returning officer John Kurui said that all was set for voting day.

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Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti has been summoned to appear before Court for disobeying a court order directing the release of motor vehicles belonging to former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa.

A Kiambu Court Magistrate in an order issued on Friday June 26, 2020 directed Mr Kinoti to appear in court on July 3 to explain why the vehicles had not been released as directed.

According to the magistrate, the vehicles, Toyota Lexus, Ford Ranger and a Mercedes Benz E-350 were not part of the search warrant as issued by the court.

“You are hereby required to attend this court at 8am on July 3, 2020 in the above case to explain why you have not released motor vehicle as ordered by the court in the above case and remain in attendance until released,” reads the summon.

The order to release the three vehicles was issued by Senior Principal Magistrate Stella Atembo had on June 10.

The Magistrate ruled that the motor vehicles were seized without “any support or any law of order of the court with sufficient reasons contravenes the constitution which provides for the right to private property and opportunity to be heard.”

The vehicles were part of five vehicles impounded by the DCI at Echesa’s Karen home in March.

A Passat KAY 388A, KBZ 009J Toyota LandCruiser V8 and KBN 242N Toyota Mark X are said to have belonged to a Kisumu resident Esther Kabura.

Kabura accused the former minister of stealing her late husband’s Sh12 million luxury vehicles in 2016.

According to the widow, Echesa promised to look after her deceased spouse’s vehicles as she was involved in a family tussle but declined to release them after the demise of her husband.

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Former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa has lashed out at Deputy President William Ruto for his silence after Tuesday’s sacking of Mumias East MP Benjamin Washiali as the Majority Whip.

Echesa, who is a known DP Ruto ally from Western Kenya says the second in command was in a better position to save Washiali from the axe, but he never did.

“I am sure if Mr Ruto had pleaded with the President, Mr Washiali would have survived the axe,” Mr Echesa said.

Whilst Echesa noted that rumors dragged COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli and Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya into Washiali’s sacking, he says the duo were never at State House during the Jubilee party Parliamentary Group meeting, but Ruto was there.

No photo description available.

He accuses Ruto of failing to raise a finger on the fate of Washiali.

“There has been talk about Mr Atwoli and Oparanya pushing for the changes, but I never saw them at State House. The person I saw was the Deputy President and unfortunately, he didn’t raise a finger on the fate of Mr Washiali”.

The former CS, who is facing criminal charges related to an arms procurement scam, spoke a day after the Jubilee Parliamentary Group meeting made changes to the majority leadership in the National Assembly.

While Majority Leader Aden Duale survived the purge, Mr Washiali and his deputy Cecily Mbarire were not lucky. Navakholo MP Emmanuel Wangwe replaced Mr Washiali, while Igembe North MP Maoka Maore took over from Ms Mbarire.

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Former sports minister Rashid Echesa is now using coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to get his impounded high-end cars back.

Echesa has asked a Nairobi court to order the release of his Range Rover so as to allow him make necessary travels.

Echesa, through his lawyer Bryan Khaemba, told Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate that ever since his vehicle was confiscated on March 2, 2020, he has been forced to use public transport.

On March 11, 2020, Echesa filed an application in court seeking to have his vehicle, a Range Rover model of registration plate KCR 786H, returned to him.

And now, Khaemba has gone back to court on his client’s behalf; this time around, arguing Echesa could catch coronavirus – “which is life-threatening” — should he continue using public transport.

In the March 11 application, Echesa also urged the court to instruct the DCI to release his two pistols, arguing that being a former Cabinet minister, his life can be on the line, and, therefore, he needs the guns to enhance his security.

He wanted the firearms — a Beretta 92 and a Ceska pistol — released pending the hearing and determination of his case.

Also confiscated, Echesa claimed, were his 104 9mm rounds of ammunition, three gun holsters and a Ceska magazine.

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Former Sports Cabinet Secretary (CS) Rashid Echesa has finally broken silence following a car drama at his Karen home.

Monday morning, DCI sleuths were forced to jump over the gate into his compound and arrested him over fraudulent accusation of three motors belonging to Esther Kabura.

In his response, the Former CS produced a letter stating how the Directorate of Criminal Investigations vindicated him from an alleged fraudulent accusation of three motors.

Echesa claims that the DCI act of arresting him and taking his vehicles was malicious.

“AMBIGUOUS! It’s amazing that the @DCI_Kenya works in a cryptic and abstruse way! Why are they acting as if they never served me with this letter dated 5th February 2018!” tweeted Echesa.

In the letter shared by Echesa, a complaint was made on January 23rd 2017 by Kabura who claimed that the Former CS, who was a friend to her late husband, took three vehicles belonging to her late husband immediately after his death for safe custody but failed to return them.

The three vehicles were listed as KBZ 009 J Toyota Land Cruiser V8, KBN 242 W Toyota Mark X and KAY 388 A Volkswagen Passat.

The DCI Kenya further established that Echesa was given the vehicles for safe custody after the complainant, Kabura, was embroiled in an inheritance dispute with the relatives of her late husband who are accused to have plotted to take over the properties.

The letter further vindicates Echesa from the claim of fraudulent accusation with the DCI stating that the complainant had requested the Former CS to dispose of the vehicle for her due to her financial constraints.

“It was established that indeed the said motor vehicles were given to Rashid Mohamed following a disagreement between the complainant and the family of her late husband who wanted to deprive her of their properties which included the motor vehicles.

“Later the complainant approached Rashid requesting him to assist her in disposing of the motor vehicles as she was undergoing serious financial problems.

“Upon completion of the investigations, it was established that the motor vehicles in question were sold by the complainant a fact that was supported by the production of a signed agreement and cash deposits into her account,” reads in part the letter from the DCI dated February 5th 2018.

According to the alleged DCI’s letter: “Due to the aforesaid, the matter was closed as no further police action was required after both parties were summoned and were advised accordingly.”

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Drama on Monday ensued at former sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa’s Karen home when sleuths raided the home over his fraudulent acquisition of five high end cars.

Following a complaint made to the DCI Public Complaints Section by a Kisumu widow of Echesa having Fraudulently transferred to his possession her late husband’s three Motor vehicles; a Passat KAY 388A, KBZ 009J Toyota LandCruiser V8 and KBN 242N Toyota Mark X in 2016, DCI Crime Unit Detectives Monday carried investigations in the Karen Home of Mr. Echesa and recovered the following;

1. KCW 289Q Toyota LandCruiser V8,

2. KCL 350J Mercedes Benz,

3. KAY 388A Volkswagon Passat,

4. KBP 725B Ford Ranger,

5. Lexus with no Reg Number,

6. Front and rear number plates (KBS 388F).

Ksh. 507,000 was also found in the front seat of the Benz.

All the vehicles taken for verification by NTSA officers as further investigations into the complainant’s allegations continue.

In a police report filed by complainant, Esther Kabura, Echesa was close friend to Kaburu’s late husband Patrick Akifuma who died in March 14, 2016.

“That before his demise, the deceased had the following motor vehicles – Toyota V8, Toyota Mark X and Passat,” read part of the affidavit.

Kabura claimed that Echesa was with his husband when he died and that the deceased had hired out his Toyota Land Cruiser to the former CS which she tried to reclaim but in vain.

“Later on, the complainant found out that the respondent had fraudulently transferred the ownership of the said motor vehicle to his name,” the affidavit further read.

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Five cars parked at former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa’s Karen home compound were on Monday afternoon driven to Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters along Kiambu road.

This is after DCI detectives raided his Karen home to investigate his car ownership.

In the Process, Echesa was arrested for allegedly acquiring one of the cars fraudulently.

The sleuths accused the former ODM youth league chairman of fraudulently acquiring a Toyota Land Cruiser.

The incident comes just as a proof that Echesa’s woes are not yet over.

Last month, Echesa was arrested over a fake firearms deal that is alleged to have been signed within Deputy President William Ruto’s Harambee Annex office.

Echesa was accused of entering in DP’s office alongside other two foreigner investors whom he duped through a fake military tender.

The deal worth Ksh. 39 billion is still under the police probe.

The probe extended to DP’s office with the sleuths visiting Harambee Annex not less than once.

Echesa was granted a Ksh. 1 million cash bail in the fake fire arms deal.

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Former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa has been arrested by detectives from Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

The former ODM youth league leader has been arrested at his Karen home over fraudulent acquisition of a Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle.

The sleuths who while investigating the ownership of Echesa’s vehicles raided his Karen home on Monday.

Echesa who is not new to controversy has been mentioned in several scandals, the latest being the fake fire arms deal that is alleged to have happened within Deputy President William Ruto’s Harambee Annex office.

Echesa was arrested just metres away from the DP’s office on Thursday, February 13 over the scandal.

The controversy over an alleged Ksh39 billion arms deal that was to be orchestrated by Echesa took a dark turn on Thursday, February 20 when SergeantJohn Kipyegon Kemei, a police officer who was on duty when Echesa visited Ruto’s office with two arms dealers representing a Polish firm, was found dead.

Police soon confirmed that Echesa had been apprehended after allegedly getting into a fake contract with foreign investors dealing with military equipment whom he convinced he could help secure a lucrative multi-billion shilling Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) tender for arms and military surveillance technology.

He was accused of using the Office of the Deputy President and the signature, fraudulent or otherwise, of Defence Cabinet Secretary Amb. Monica Juma in a bid to seal the deal.

Echesa allegedly convinced the Polish firm, Eco Advanced Technologies LLC, to pay Ksh11,500,000 to a company known as Pizzle Consultancy Limited to show commitment.

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Detectives from Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have raided former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa’s home.

The sleuths who are investigating the ownership of Echesa’s vehicles raided his Karen home on Monday.

Echesa who is not new to controversy has been mentioned in several scandals, the latest being the fake fire arms deal that is alleged to have happened within Deputy President William Ruto’s Harambee Annex office.

Echesa was arrested just metres away from the DP’s office on Thursday, February 13 over the scandal.

The controversy over an alleged Ksh39 billion arms deal that was to be orchestrated by Echesa took a dark turn on Thursday, February 20 when SergeantJohn Kipyegon Kemei, a police officer who was on duty when Echesa visited Ruto’s office with two arms dealers representing a Polish firm, was found dead.

Police soon confirmed that Echesa had been apprehended after allegedly getting into a fake contract with foreign investors dealing with military equipment whom he convinced he could help secure a lucrative multi-billion shilling Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) tender for arms and military surveillance technology.

He was accused of using the Office of the Deputy President and the signature, fraudulent or otherwise, of Defence Cabinet Secretary Amb. Monica Juma in a bid to seal the deal.

Echesa allegedly convinced the Polish firm, Eco Advanced Technologies LLC, to pay Ksh11,500,000 to a company known as Pizzle Consultancy Limited to show commitment.

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Former Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa is a man who qualifies to be called a friend of the cells.

His recent arrest on allegations of attempting to defraud foreign investors 40 billion shillings in an arms deal is the biggest scam and dent to his political career. 

However, Echesa’s arrest could be a big blow to Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala’s candidature according to political analysts. 

The two former political enemies reconciled late last year publicly in Mumias town and Echesa promised to stand by Cleophas Malala in his 2022 gubernatorial candidature in Kakamega County and in return senator Malala offered to give Rashid Echesa extra evening tuition so as to be able to get a degree by 2022.

The hotly contested Kakamega gubernatorial race comes after the exit of governor Wycliffe Oparanya who also doubles up as the chair of council of governors serving his second term in office.

But could Echesa and Malala’s new found political friendship be a friendship of doom? 

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi says if Malala is to win the Kakamega gubernatorial race then he has no option other than distancing himself from Rashid Echesa whose political career has been soiled by the sh. 40 billion arms deal scandal in the office of the deputy president.

The Kakamega gubernatorial race has attracted several candidates including former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale and Lugari MP Ayub Savula.

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Deputy President William Ruto has come out to air his concerns on why the country is yet to win the war against corruption.

Taking to his popular social media site on Tuesday night, Ruto, who feels to have been targeted by every corruption scandal in the country observed that it was so easy for Kenya to win the war if only it concentrates on certain things.

Despite recognising the efforts put in place by the government to curb the menace, Ruto indicated that all will be in vain as long as the agencies put in place continues to fight RUTO instead.

The DP urged them to concentrate their efforts on fighting the real thing instead of always dragging his name into every corruption case.

“It is very easy to win the fight against CORRUPTION. Why are we not winning yet? Because we’re not fighting CORRUPTION, We are fighting”RUTO”. Can we focus a little bit on the real thing?” posed Ruto.

Ruto added that for Kenya to move forward as a nation, politics of targeting individuals in the name of fighting corruption should stop.

“To win the war on corruption, we must rely on factual information and stop politics from clouding it. To move forward as a country, selective prosecution targeting predetermined individuals and projects steamrolled by a narrative of convenient lies, falsehood and propaganda is not a fight against corruption. It is politics and is headed in the wrong direction,” he stated.

His utterances comes days after his office was dragged into the fake arms scandal involving former Sports CS Rashid Echesa.

So far, DP’s office has distanced itself from the claims that it was being used to defraud businessmen in the fake arms deal.

William Ruto’s spokesman David Mugonyi rubbished the claims saying DPs office was a public office that is accessed by many people. The office has insisted that the DP was not in the Annex office on the day it is reported that Echesa accessed it.

Echesa was arrested on Thursday last week in an investigation into a Sh39 billion fake tender deal to supply the government with military surveillance equipment, guns, and ammunition.

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Deputy President William Ruto’s long time aide Farouk Kibet has hatched plot to milk millions from the late Mzee Daniel Moi’s family-owned company.

Farouk has moved to demand what he has termed as a reasonable offer for damages from Standard Media Group.

Farouk is also demanding an apology from the Mombasa road-based media house.

This follows a controversial story ran by the media house’ newspaper that linked three of DP Ruto’s aides to the Ksh 39 billion military arms deal.

According to the story ran by The Standard, detectives from Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Friday camped at DP Ruto’s office.

The detectives were also said to be keen to rope in all the ring leaders of the scheme as well as to corroborate the evidence adduced by the victims.

Of key interest were three top officials of the office who by the virtue of their positions ought to have been in the know when such a humongous deal was being struck.

These are long-time personal aide of the DP Farouk Kibet, Chief of Staff Ken Osinde and Private Secretary Reuben Maiyo.

Echesa who was arrested on Thursday last week was on Monday released on a Sh1 million cash bail amid investigations into the Sh40 billion arms fraud case involving American organisations, Echo Advanced Technologies.

At the Milimani Law Courts on Monday, Mr Echesa was charged alongside three people — Daniel Otieno, Clifford Okoth and Kennedy Oyoo.

They all denied charges of conspiring to commit a felony, making a document without authority, obtaining money by pretence, attempting to commit a felony and uttering a false document.

Mr Otieno, Mr Okoth and Mr Oyoo were also released on the same terms.

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Deputy President William Ruto has finally come out clean fake military arms tender that was allegedly procured from his Harambee Annex office.

In a statement issued on Monday evening by his communication office, DP Ruto distanced himself from the scandal in which former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Eachesa is largely involved.

Ruto says he was not in the office when Echesa and two other foreigners visited his office.

The DP has also stated that Echesa lacked an appointment with him on the material day when they visited his office to ‘seal the deal.’

When Echesa and company got wind that DP Ruto was working from his Karen home instead of Harambee Annex, they bolted out of the reception according to DP’s statement.

The group had been holed up inside the Annex office between 9:39 and 10:02, making it a total of 23 minutes.

Echesa has since been released on a Ksh1 million bail together with Clifford Okoth Onyango, Daniel Otieno Omondi and Kennedy Oyoo Mboya.

DP Ruto said his office has been cooperating with detectives drawn from Directorate of Criminal Investigations and that all the CCTV footages had been made available for review.

On February 15, DCI detectives raided the houses of Echesa where they recovered two guns and more than a hundred rounds of ammunition.

Below is a full statement issued by DP Ruto’s communication office;

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Monica Juma-led Ministry of defence has finally spoken on the ongoing investigations into a fake military tender in which former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa is highly involved.

The ministry on Monday sent a statement to newsrooms distancing itself from the Ksh 40 billion deal allegedly procured by Echesa from Deputy President William Ruto’s office.

In a statement signed by the Ministry’s head of communication Bogita Ongeri, the ministry confirmed that indeed investigators and complainants in the saga on Monday visited its headquarters at Ulinzi House to ascertain the officers and offices they allegedly accessed.

“During the visit it was established that the complainants have never interacted with any official mandated to represent the Ministry of Defence. The visit further revealed that the complainants have never been to (Ulinzi House), the Ministry of Defence Headquarters as has been alleged,” the statement read in part.

The ministry further stated that all the documents and content displayed in the media pertaining the matter never originated from the Ministry of Defence.

It distanced itself from the alleged involvement in the fake arms procurement scam that last week shocked the country.

The ministry also raised concerns that a section of the media was creating a narrative that was scandalous and libelous in spite of what is clearly a fraudulent and criminal act.

“The Ministry of Defense intends to seek redress for this matter,” the statement further revealed.

Mr Echesa was released on a Sh1 million cash bail amid investigations into the Sh40 billion arms fraud case.

The former CS had been arraigned alongside three people identified as Mr Daniel Otieno, Mr Clifford Okoth and Mr Kennedy Oyoo.

Mr Echesa was nabbed outside Deputy President William Ruto’s office but the latter has distanced himself from the scandal.

It has emerged that two of his aides were captured on a CCTV footage showing that they were present during a meeting with the foreigners who work for Echo Advanced Technologies, an American based company.

Below is the statement issued by Ministry of Defence.

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