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Rashid Echesa taken to hospital

Former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa was on Saturday rushed to Karen Hospital in critical condition.

Echesa who was being detained at Muthaiga Police Station since Thursday was taken to hospital due to a reported deterioration in his pneumonia and high cholesterol levels.

According to his lawyers Danstan Omari and Cliff Ombeta, Echesa’s condition could have led to further health complications had it not addressed in time.

“My client’s health deteriorated hence his admission to the hospital,” Omari told the media.

Echesa had been held at Muthaiga police cells since Thursday night, pending arraignment on Tuesday over allegations of extortion and staged abduction.

Police said they will guard him at the hospital ahead of his arraignment.

Echesa through his lawyers had asked the police to release him from custody to allow him seek medical attention.

His lawyers are also want him to be granted cash bail to “continue with his journey towards full recovery.”

Echesa who is also the chairperson of the Kenya Water Towers Agency, was arrested and initially taken to Muthaiga Police Station.

According to Danstan Omari, his continued detention would have made his health deteriorate adding that any form of justice related to his arrest cannot possibly take precedence over his health.

Echesa was arrested over claims of extorting money from Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa.

Prior to his arrest, videos of him pleading for mercy after allegedly being abducted had gone viral.

In the videos, Echesa is heard asking his alleged abductors to tell governor Barasa to forgive him. He is also heard begging his alleged abductors not to kill him as his children would suffer.

However, a section of Kenyans have argued that the abduction seems to have been stage-managed as a part of ways to extort governor Fernandes Barasa.

Another video of Echesa conversing with an unknown man while handcuffed in a car boot also went viral.

This is not a first controversy to hit the former sports CS, who has previously been accused of photoshopping former Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala in what looks to have been the same extortion ring.

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Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro is a man in dire need of a shoulder to lean on after it emerged that he is nursing the wounds of being dumped by a concubine who is believed to have vanished with close to Sh200 Million and other multi-million properties registered in her name.

The two have been in a three year secret but romantic relationship built on trust and honesty in what appears to have been a strategic move by the concubine to strike when she has amassed enough from the unsuspecting governor.

The concubine in question is a surveyor by profession and first met with Mung’aro when he was serving as the Cabinet Administrative Secretary in the ministry of lands.

The concubine who is almost hitting 30 is only identified as Loise Makena and is known for her stunning, delightful, charming, dazzling and intoxicating approach and lifestyle that played a get role in sweeping Mung’aro off his feet.

According to our documents Makena is still the Director at her survey firm.

Makena, as per the grapevine chronicles made deep rooted networks in the ministry of lands and her partnership with Mung’aro saw them swindle millions through proxy companies for consultancy services.

When Mung’aro declared interest to run for the Kilifi seat, their relationship rocketed miles high with Makena getting elevated into serving more like Personal Assistant, manager and advisor on critical issues especially mobilization of funds.

She sat at the helm of the campaign.

She is the one Mung’aro chose to trust when he got elected and one of her primary roles was to identify and bring on board companies, suppliers and partners to help the governor swindle public coffers either through ghost supplies, commissions on fraudulent contracts at dubious partnership programs.

She is known to be very aggressive, smart and intelligent with top tier social skills that make her an outstanding negotiator and one that is difficult to doubt.

This made Mung’aro trust her with all illicit money emanating from dirty deals and it is estimated that she was in control of at least 2M USD which is approximately Sh200 million.

The governor, blinded by the steamy and irresistible love escapades courtesy of Makena, is believed to have bought and registered a number of properties under Makena’s personal details.

Some of the multi-million properties are located on the Coast.

Makena is a strong figure in the procurement corridors in Kilifi and seats at the head of the table in key decision making moments.

Most of the deals as per our grapevine revolve around garbage collection, consultancy services especially in the office of the governor and his lieutenants and key programs key to Mung’aro’s development agenda.

However, the fallout between the two imparts more pain to Mung’aro who had trusted Makena as he was amassing funds for his reelection in 2027.

A section of the MCAs who are aware of the happenings are happy that the governor has been taught a lesson.

“Boy child Kimemuramba and he deserves it,” a jubilant MCA stated. Another MCA said: “A man who trusts a slay queen more than his wife or even brother deserves it,”

The governor who is said to be using close friends to Makena to try and lure her back for negotiations has been pleading that the shameful ‘telenovela’ does not hit headlines.

As for Makena, word has it that she must be counting her profits far away from her enemies as she plans to settle with one of her boyfriends

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A group of activists referring to themselves as “friends of Uganda” have filed a petition to the government of Denmark appealing for a suspension of funding to the Ugandan government over its human rights record.

In the February 14th 2024 letter to the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Mr Dan Jorgensen, the activists are calling for an urgent suspension of funding to the Ugandan government and halting support for the environmentally contentious East African Crude Oil Project(EACOP).

“We write to express our deep concern regarding your past and the recent financial support extended to Mr Museveni’s regime by the Danish government, as reported in the meeting on January 24, 2024,” reads the petition in part.

“The substantial funds allocated, ostensibly for climate change and refugees, have raised alarm given the ongoing human rights violations, displacement, and environmental degradation associated with the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project in Uganda.” Adds the petitioners.

The petitioners allege that the EACOP initiative has been marred by egregious acts such as land grabbing, illegal displacements, and environmental harm since its inception in 2017. They also note that there have been disturbing trends of gross human rights violations, especially concerning the construction of the pipeline which has adversely impacted local communities, wildlife, and the overall climate. 

They also accuse the Kampala regime of misappropriating most of the financial support provided to the country, resulting in the purchase of arms, tear gas, and other tools of oppression, rather than addressing the urgent needs of the people of Uganda.

The situation, they claim, has led to the displacement of countless individuals, who now reside in makeshift camps under deplorable conditions without compensation for their losses.

Also protested is the recent request by Mr. Museveni for the Danish government’s support in the  ‘wetland reclamation program which they say “is deeply troubling.”

“ We must question the legitimacy of such initiatives and ensure that funds are directed towards transparent and accountable projects that genuinely benefit the Ugandan population,” 

“Numerous reports and documented cases highlight the severe human rights abuses, arrests, and illegal detentions of individuals advocating for their rights and protesting against the EACOP project. The lack of due diligence before extending financial support is a matter of grave concern, and we urge the Danish government to reassess its involvement in this project.” They submit.

In light of the above, the petitioners have, therefore, demanded the Ceasing of all financial support to Mr Museveni’s regime and the EACOP project immediately, a public declaration by Denmark that the country will not contribute further to the EACOP project and a commitment to advocate for other nations, including the UK, EU, USA, Germany, and others, to withdraw support for the EACOP project.

“The consequences of continued funding to Mr Museveni’s regime and the EACOP project are dire, with lasting effects on the human rights, environment, and future of Uganda. We implore you to act swiftly and decisively in the interest of justice, human rights, and accountability.” 

“For a comprehensive understanding of the situation, we encourage you to review the evidence we have compiled, including videos, pictures, and news articles, available through the following links,” the petitioners further appeal.

The petition also delved into the 2021 contested general elections which they claim was violent with President Museveni exerting a lot of undue brutality on opposition supporters, many of whom remain incarcerated to date. Based on the above, they are of the view that stringent conditions are put in place before advancing any more support to the regime in Kampala.

“Given the alarming documentary evidence by the BBC detailing President Museveni’s brutal actions during the 2021 presidential election campaigns in Uganda, it is imperative that conditions are established before providing any further funding to his administration. The ongoing reports of abductions, rape, torture, and murder indicate a clear violation of human rights in the country. To ensure that funds are utilised for the betterment of Ugandans and not to further oppress them, stringent preconditions must be implemented.”

“These conditions should prioritise the respect for human rights, accountability, and transparency, ensuring that the financial assistance serves its intended purpose and contributes positively to the well-being of the Ugandan people.” The petition further demands, with hope “that Denmark will stand on the right side of history.”

January 24, President Museveni met with the Danish Envoy, Mr. Dan Jorgensen, who is the Minister for Development Cooperation & Global Climate Policy, and his delegation at State Lodge Nakasero where he requested the Danish government’s support for his wetland reclamation program, which aims to address the issue of illegal rice growers in swamps that serve as important sources of rainfall in Uganda.

“I have a wetland reclamation program to encourage these illegal rice growers in swamps to relocate. They are there illegally, so I try to incentivize them. I wouldn’t call it compensation because they are the ones in the wrong. Therefore, if you can mobilize funding to incentivize them to leave the swamps and engage in fish farming on the periphery instead of the centre,” President Museveni explained.

In response, the Danish envoy appreciated President Museveni’s efforts and commitment to addressing climate change and refugee issues. He expressed Denmark’s willingness to support Uganda’s wetland reclamation program and contribute $95 million to help mitigate the effects of climate change and provide assistance to refugees.

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Raila Odinga

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga has stepped forward with a compassionate donation of Kshs. 1 million to aid the victims of the tragic Embakasi gas plant explosion.

The explosion, which occurred in the Mradi area of Embakasi East on Thursday night, claimed three lives and left over 270 people injured.

Embakasi East Member of Parliament, Babu Owino, took to social media to announce the gracious gesture from Raila Odinga.

According to Owino, the leader of the Azimio coalition sent the funds on Saturday morning, just a day after the devastating incident.

“I received 1 million Kenya Shillings from H.E Baba Raila Amolo Odinga this morning to help the fire victims. In addition, I have donated an extra 1 million shillings towards this noble cause, totaling 2 million shillings. Other Azimio Leaders are also contributing towards this. God bless Kenya, and please pray for Embakasi East,” Babu Owino tweeted.

The Embakasi East MP expressed his commitment to supporting the victims and revealed that other leaders affiliated with the Azimio la Umoja coalition party are also actively contributing to the cause.

The tragedy has sparked a nationwide outcry, with many questioning the safety measures surrounding the licensing of the gas plant within a residential area.

President William Ruto has responded swiftly, ordering the immediate arrest and prosecution of all officials involved in issuing the licenses to the gas plant.

The additional 1 million Kenyan Shillings donated by Babu Owino, combined with Raila Odinga’s initial contribution, brings the total relief fund to 2 million shillings.

The funds are expected to provide much-needed assistance to the affected families and aid in their recovery from this devastating incident.

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Embakasi gas plant explosion

In a bold move to address the aftermath of the gas filling plant explosion in Embakasi, President William Ruto has taken decisive action by ordering the immediate dismissal, arrest, and detainment of government officials responsible for issuing licenses to the ill-fated facility.

The president, speaking during the groundbreaking ceremony for Chekalini Market in Lugari, Kakamega County, expressed his concern over the operational status of the gas filling plant, emphasizing that it was in direct violation of the law.

President Ruto revealed that unscrupulous government officials had granted permits to the gas dealer, allowing them to operate in a residential area, thereby putting the lives of Kenyan citizens at risk.

He sternly demanded the removal and apprehension of these officials within a tight timeframe of 24 hours, ensuring they face the charges brought against them.

During his address, President Ruto attributed the explosion to a combination of laziness, deceit, and corruption within government offices.

He highlighted the negligence of those who approved the establishment of the gas filling plant in a residential zone, leading to the tragic incident in Nairobi that resulted in numerous injuries.

“I have instructed the Ministry that those responsible for granting the license should be fired, arrested, and detained today,” declared President Ruto, underlining the urgency of the situation.

He further pointed out that the government officials involved had succumbed to bribery, turning a blind eye to regulations and compromising the safety of the community.

The head of state also shed light on the prior warnings given to the gas filling plant owners, instructing them not to establish the facility in the specified area.

However, due to the influence of bribery and a lack of discipline, the license was issued, ultimately culminating in the tragic explosion on Thursday night.

President Ruto’s swift and firm response underscores his commitment to eradicating corruption within government agencies and ensuring the safety and well-being of Kenyan citizens.

As the nation grapples with the repercussions of this incident, the president’s actions send a clear message that accountability and adherence to the law are non-negotiable in the pursuit of a secure and lawful society.

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Chief Justice

Azimio party leader Raila Odinga has dropped a bombshell, accusing President William Ruto of orchestrating a strategic move to appoint former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairperson Wafula Chebukati as the Chief Justice of Kenya.

Raila in his recent media briefing unveiled a purported plot hatched during a crucial meeting between the Judiciary, Parliament, and the Executive at State House, Nairobi.

Raila claims that President Ruto has been offered slots in the gazetted Court of Appeal vacancies, intending to use two of them to appoint Chebukati and his predecessor at IEBC, Issack Hassan, as Court of Appeal judges.

The grand plan allegedly involves Chebukati’s subsequent elevation to Chief Justice before the 2027 General Election.

According to Raila, this clandestine agreement was reached during a meeting at State House, Nairobi, where Chief Justice Martha Koome and Mr. Ruto allegedly struck a deal that involved additional funding to the Judiciary.

Raila details the intricate agreement, asserting that in exchange for additional funding, Chief Justice Koome agreed to advertise vacancies for five high court judges and 11 Court of Appeal judges.

The advertisement for the 11 judges has reportedly already been gazetted. Notably, Raila claims that Ruto intends to forward the names of Chebukati and Ahmed Issack Hassan as Court of Appeal judges, with Chebukati later rising to the position of Chief Justice.

The alleged political maneuvering raises serious concerns about the independence of the judiciary and the potential influence of the executive in judicial appointments.

If proven true, this revelation could have far-reaching consequences for the credibility of the judicial system and democratic processes in Kenya.

As Raila Odinga brings these accusations to the forefront, the Kenyan political landscape is left grappling with the potential ramifications of this alleged plot.

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Johnson Sakaja

Former Nairobi County governor Mike Sonko has sounded a warning to current governor Johnson Sakaja over a City Hall employee who has been fraudulently milking millions from the County coffers.

Sonko took to his official social media accounts and posted a photo of governor Sakaja alongside his juniors, and sounded a warning, claiming that one of the people in the photo would put Sakaja in trouble.

According to Sonko, the said employee keeps on recycling the already paid vouchers that run into hundreds of millions.

Sonko went ahead to warn that he will soon call out the employee and expose his/her name for the people to know.

“Gavanaree kuna mtu hapa nataka uchungane nae asikushikishe handball. Kazi yake ni kurecycle vouchers zile zishalipwa worth hundreds of millions. Hata yeye naenda kumuuma any time. Kaa rada,” Sonko posted on his official X account.

Netizens started to anxiously react, urging Sonko to point out the said employee in the photo.

By the time of publishing this article, Sonko had not pointed out the person he had accused in the photo.

Governor Sakaja had also not reacted on Sonko’s post by the time of publishing this article.

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President William Ruto meeting with Chief Justice Martha Koome

State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed has revealed the details of the Monday morning meeting between President William Ruto, Chief Justice Martha Koome and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula.

Hussein in a statement shared via his official X account said President Ruto had convened the leadership meeting of the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary, at the request of the Judiciary.

The meeting aimed at deliberating on building approaches to fight corruption, enhance accountability and to facilitate the efficient and seamless delivery of services to the people of Kenya.

The Executive, Judiciary and Legislature have agreed to each submit, within 30 days, proposals on fighting corruption, improving service delivery and enhancing institutional accountability to a forum of the National Council of the Administration of Justice convened by the Chief Justice.

To optimize the efficient service delivery and the fight against corruption, the Executive and legislature will support the Judiciary’s request for additional budgetry.

Below is the full statement on the deliberations of the meeting.

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Martha Koome with President Ruto

Chief Justice Martha Koome Monday morning held a meeting with President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi.

The meeting aimed to end the stand-off between the Judiciary and the Executive arm of the government.

Although the Judiciary and State House have remained mum on the details of the meeting, Daily Trends has established that National Assembly speaker Moses Wetang’ula was in attendance.

President Ruto had earlier on accused unnamed judges of working with cartels to frustrate the government agenda following injunctions on his legacy projects of health and housing.

The President’s remarks sparked an uproar with the Law Society of Kenya holding demonstrations to protest, arguing that the independence of the Judiciary was being threatened.

President Ruto and his allies continued with the attacks, insisting that the head of state had only called for a dialogue over the alleged corruption in the corridors of justice.

CJ Koome then proposed a meeting, saying she was willing to listen to the president so as to find a lasting solution in what was widely opposed by the legal experts led by the Law Society of Kenya.

Last week, the president announced that he was ready and willing to meet the Chief Justice.

The Opposition led by Raila Odinga opposed the meeting saying it compromises judicial independence.

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Mumias East MP Peter Salasya slapping MCA Peter Walunya

Barely days after trending for the wrong reasons following drama that ensued at a funeral in Mumias when he slapped an MCA, Mumias East MP Peter Salasya has been caught in another drama.

The lawmaker was captured in a video in another drama with MCA Peter Walunya who he had assaulted while at a funeral event in his constituency.

Salasya while addressing students of St Gabriel Isongo Secondary School on Thursday, January 18, 2024, blamed MCA peter Walunya for the protests that led to TSC to transfer all the 17 teachers from the school.

According to the chairperson of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) in Kakamega Johnstone Wabuti, the 17 were handed their transfer letters to neighbouring schools.

Salasya who had been accompanied by other leaders from the area to demand reinstatement of the teachers to the school, is seen angrily ordering MCA Walunya to apologize to the nation.

He goes ahead to claim that the MCA is the one who had organized the protests, without his knowledge.

In the video, he angrily orders the MCA to apologize to the parents, students and the entire nation, failure to which he would close the meeting and order everyone to disperse.

The MCA failed to compile, and as a result, Salasya ordered everyone to disperse.

The students refused and demanded that the MCA addresses them, before Salasya walked down the podium and chased them.

The MCA attempted to stand and address the students but he was calmed down by a colleague.

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Boni Khalwale with Oparanya

Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale has released a video revealing the details of his six-hour long meeting with former Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya.

Khalwale had on Sunday evening left his followers in speculations after revealing that he had held the meeting with Oparanya at his rural home in Mabole, Kakamega County.

However, Boni Khalwale has this morning released the video that shows him addressing the press alongside Oparanya and Lurambi Member of Parliament Titus Khamala.

In the video, Khalwale says that he had earlier on visited President William Ruto and informed him about his intentions to vie for the Kakamega gubernatorial seat in 2027.

As a starting point, Boni Khalwale says he had to visit Oparanya, who is the county’s first boss, and share with him the information.

The reason we came here is because two months ago, I visited the President of Kenya and announced to him that in 2027 I will be running for governor of Kakamega. Today was now the day to inform the county government of Kakamega,” Khalwale says in the video.

The bullfighter goes ahead to say that he had deliberately chosen Oparanya for the communication because he was Kakamega’s first governor.

“I deliberately chose Oparanya for this important communication to the county because he was our first governor. I have met the former governor without prejudice to anybody,” Boni Khalwale said.

Oparanya on his part praises Khalwale for having done a good job when he was the first senator of the county.

“He put me on toes of course, and because of that I was able to deliver, and that is what a senator is supposed to do,” Opararanya said.

Oparanya further noted that there is no permanent enemy in politics, and that what is important is the interests.

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Jubilee party nominated Member of Parliament Sabina Chege on Thursday, January 11, 2024, led a contingent of about 120 Jubilee MCAs to a meeting with President William Ruto.

The meeting was held at the Nakuru State House.

The former ruling party has about 127 MCAs.

Sabina Chege also led the party’s 28 NEC members to the meeting, renewing the leadership wrangles that have been facing the former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s party.

Jubilee has been faced with leadership wrangles for months now as two groups claim to be bona fide officials of the party.

One group has remained loyal to Raila Odinga-led Azimio la Umoja coalition while the other shifted allegiance to President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza.

The group led by Sabina Chege and former Kieni MP and now EALA MP Kanini Kega supports President Ruto and alleges to have left the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition.

Another faction led by Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni has remained loyal to the Azimio la Umoja coalition party.

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On Monday, January 8th, 2024, Kenyan President William Ruto returned to his alma mater, Kamagut Primary School in Uasin Gishu County. The visit, marked by photos shared by Ruto’s handlers, painted a stark picture of a school in dire need of renovation. The building housing kindergarten children, the same one Ruto occupied over 40 years ago, stood as a testament to years of neglect.

This visit comes amidst Ruto’s ongoing political battle with his rival, Raila Odinga, whom he has severally branded the “Lord of Poverty.” Yet, the state of Kamagut Primary raises a critical question: could the real “Lord of Poverty” be closer to home?

Ruto’s political career spans over two decades, marked by positions of considerable power and influence. He served as an MP, KANU Secretary General, Cabinet Minister, and Deputy President before assuming the presidency in 2022. Throughout his ascent, Kamagut Primary, the very source of his educational foundation, remained in a state of dilapidation.

This begs the question: if someone with Ruto’s resources and political clout couldn’t prioritize the improvement of his own alma mater, how can Kenyans trust him to tackle the broader issue of poverty across the nation?

Furthermore, Ruto’s campaign promises centered around uplifting “Kenyan Hustlers” through initiatives like affordable housing. However, the neglect of Kamagut Primary casts doubt on his ability to deliver on these promises. If basic needs like quality education remain unaddressed in his childhood community, how can Kenyans expect him to effectively address the struggles of millions across the country?

Ruto’s supporters might argue that his recent visit signals a commitment to change. However, the timing, coinciding with a renewed attack on Odinga, raises suspicions of political maneuvering rather than genuine concern for the school’s well-being.

The story of Kamagut Primary transcends a single school. It serves as a powerful symbol of the challenges faced by Kenyan education and exposes the potential hypocrisy of Ruto’s “Lord of Poverty” narrative. Until concrete action is taken to address the needs of Kamagut Primary and countless other schools like it, Ruto’s claims of fighting poverty will ring hollow.

The Kenyan people deserve leaders who prioritize the well-being of their communities, not just political point-scoring. The state of Kamagut Primary serves as a stark reminder that true commitment to alleviating poverty requires action, not just rhetoric. Only time will tell if President Ruto will rise to the challenge and prove his critics wrong.

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President William Ruto has intensified his battle against corruption within the Judiciary, and his latest statement has raised eyebrows and ignited a fresh wave of discussions.

The head of state through his official social media accounts on Thursday, January 4, reiterated his stand against the Judiciary, warning that impunity of bribing judges so as to derail, delay, or sabotage Kenya’s imminent transformation will never happen under his watch.

In his statement, President Ruto noted that flamboyant lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi had previously warned him of sabotage by corrupt judicial officers.

The first in command further says that he assured the senior counsel that there are many good officers in the judiciary and that his administration will root out the corrupt.

In what looks like a threat against the judicial officers, President Ruto went ahead to quote his famous phrase of “Mambo ni Matatu..waende jela, wahame Kenya ama waende mbinguni”.

“Ahmednasir SC ,you warned me of sabotage by corrupt judicial officers. I told you there are many good officers in the judiciary and that we will root out the corrupt. We shall. Muite SC, the impunity of bribing judges so as not to derail, delay, or sabotage Kenya’s imminent transformation will never happen under my watch. Not a single cent will be used to bribe nobody. Mambo ya wafisadi wote ni yale nilisema…..,” President Ruto posed.

The president’s post has stirred mixed reactions, with a section of netizens faulting him for the stand.

Some have argued that the move is meant to silence the Judiciary, with others saying commenting that it might cost him the 2027 presidency.

“So corruption is only corruption when it doesn’t favour you? What have you done with the parliament zakayo,” one of the X users posed.

“Wish you used the same energy to hold to account Kimwarer dam culprits. 63B of taxpayers money went down the drain. According to you, Judges are well meaning when they vindicate your cronies. Double standards!” another X user reacted.

President Ruto sparked the conversation when he remarked that the judiciary was being bribed by a few individuals to sabotage his projects.

While making reference to the court order that stopped the housing levy, the head of state said his administration will start disobeying such orders that are aimed at derailing his work.

This attracted condemnation from different sects, among them the Law Society of Kenya, the Kenya judges and magistrates associations, Chief Justice Martha Koome and a section of politicians.

LSK on Wednesday threatened to stage national protests to force President Ruto to withdraw his remarks against the Judiciary, but the head of state seem snot to be letting go of the war any time soon. Or is he?

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Just hours after the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) urged President William Ruto to take back his remarks on the Judiciary, vowing to take to the streets for peaceful protests next week, State House has issued a statement telling off the lawyers.

In statement issued by State House spokesperson Hussein Mohamed, President Ruto has told off LSK for criticising and attempting to advise the President on the independence of the Judiciary and Constitutionalism.

According to the statement, President Ruto’s push for judicial reforms is unstoppable.

State House intimated that the advice by LSK was not necessary as the President has consistently upheld the rule of law and respected court orders, even in regards to his affordable housing pet project.

“We, however, agree with the Law Society of Kenya that Executive impunity is unacceptable. However, legislative impunity, by its own measure, is also unacceptable and so is judicial impunity,” reads the statement in part.

According to the State House Spokesperson, it would be a dereliction of the President’s oath of office, and a betrayal of the people’s mandate to allow their hopes and aspirations to be obstructed by corruption and impunity.

LSK had earlier on announced that it will organize peaceful protests across the country in defense of the rule of law and in solidarity with the Judiciary.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, January 3, LSK President Eric Theuri accused the President of undermining the rule of law and the independence of the Judiciary, which he said was “a cornerstone of democracy.”

Moments later, Chief Justice Martha Koome called out perceived judicial intimidation by the Executive and urged judges and judicial officials to carry on with their work without fear of reproach or coercion. 

It all started when President Ruto, while speaking in Nyandarua on Tuesday, claimed that the the Judiciary harbours rogue elements out to sabotage his legacy.

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Lawyer Miguna Miguna has revealed worrying details amid a war between President William Ruto and the Judiciary.

President Ruto caused an uproar after making remarks against the Judiciary.

The head of state while speaking in Nyandarua on Tuesday, January 2, alleged that some rulings made by the Judiciary were slowing down the implementation of the Kenya Kwanza development agenda.

One of the rulings that provoked the President’s ire was the court order that halted the implementation of the 1.5 per cent housing levy on salaried Kenyans, declaring it unconstitutional.

President Ruto claimed that the court order was a setback to his administration’s efforts to provide affordable housing to Kenyans, which is one of the pillars of the Kenya Kwanza development agenda, and hinted at disobeying subsequent orders.

This irked a section of Kenyans, with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) announcing that it will organize peaceful protests across the country in defense of the rule of law and in solidarity with the Judiciary.

LSK has also urged its members to wear purple ribbons throughout the next week as a symbol of protest against the President’s threats to defy court orders, which it termed as a “constitutional coup” and a “return of an autocratic regime.”

However, the State House in a quick rejoinder affirmed that President Ruto’s push for judicial reforms is unstoppable, telling off the LSK for criticising and attempting to advise the Head of State on the independence of the Judiciary and Constitutionalism.

In a subsequent statement by Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed, State House intimated that the advice by LSK was not necessary as the President has consistently upheld the rule of law and respected court orders, even in regards to his affordable housing pet project.

The State House response prompted Miguna Miguna to take to his official social media accounts to reveal details that should worry Kenyans.

According to Miguna Miguna, this is just but the beginning of dictatorship in the country.

Miguna says dictatorship starts when the country is hungry, exhausted and desperate.

He goes ahead to note that the dictatorship starts by killing organized institutions and spaces that would protect the people against excesses by those in power.

“This is how dictatorship starts. It creeps in when the country is hungry, exhausted and desperate. It starts by killing organized institutions and spaces that would protect the people against excesses by those in power.

“We cannot allow anyone to turn the judiciary into a scared, threatened and bludgeoned institution because that cannot be in the interest of the people. We need a strong, INDEPENDENT, competent and ETHICAL judiciary. We cannot build one through executive threats, intimidation, coercion, or bribery!” Miguna posted.

In a separate statement, the JSC had also expressed concern over the public criticism and vilification of judges and judicial officers for issuing court orders that are perceived to be against state programmes and policies.

 JSC reaffirmed the independence and integrity of the judiciary as “a co-equal arm of government”, as enshrined in the constitution, and urged all judges and judicial officers to continue performing their judicial duties “without fear or favour”.

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